Drawing and Painting

Drawing and Painting

Drawing and Painting

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IPads and technology are used on a regular basis in all art classes through research, images, quizlet studying, assignments, and discussions. 

Drawing & Painting I

Course 611

½ Fine Arts Credit

Semester Course

9th – 12th Grades

Beginning Drawing & Painting will cover the 2-dimensional study of drawing and painting, composition, elements of design, color theory, and artists. This class will cover how to use drawing/painting materials such as pencils, colored pencils, watercolor and acrylic paints. Sketchbooks are required for this course.   Class Fee: $30.

Prerequisite: None

Drawing & Painting II

Course 612

½ Fine Arts Credit

Semester Course

9th – 12th Grades

Intermediate Drawing & Painting is a continuation of Beginning Drawing/Painting with more advanced techniques being taught. This class will cover composition, elements of design, color theory, and visual artists. Sketchbooks are required for this course. Class Fee: $30. 

Prerequisites: Drawing/Painting I

Drawing & Painting III

Course 613

½ Fine Arts Credit

Semester Course

10th – 12th Grades

Advanced Drawing & Painting is a continuation of Intermediate Drawing/Painting with more advanced procedures being taught. This class will focus on creating a portfolio. Juniors and seniors may retake the advanced drawing and painting class without credit (audit), under these conditions; space must be available, the art teacher must give permission, and fees must be paid. Get permission from the Mrs. Zimmerman first then the guidance office to sing up for an audit. Sketchbooks are required for this course. Class Fee: $30. 

Prerequisites: Both Drawing/Painting I and II

Courses: Painting/Drawing 1 - 2 - 3 - Independent Study
SUPPLIES DUE: Semester 1 by December 8th   /   Semester 2 by May 10th
Choose any 2 of the following items to be turned in before the end of the semester: 
Lysol Wipes, Gallon Size Ziplock Bags, Spray Bottle for Water, Permanent Markers, Magic Erasers, Styrofoam Plates, Drawing Pencils, Kleenex

Drawing and Painting 1 Sketchbook List

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