Title I

Title I

                                         NORTH FORK LOCAL SCHOOLS
                                                            TITLE I PROGRAM
Mission Statement: Our mission is to help every student achieve a year's worth of reading growth by collaborating with classroom teachers and parents. 

What is Title I?  Title I is a federally funded program designed to give extra help to students who are at risk for meeting the state and national standards in the areas of reading and language arts. Funding for the program is determined by the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced lunches in each elementary building as well as information collected from the United States Census Bureau.  Students do not have to qualify for free or reduced lunch to be included in the Title I Program.

How do we select students?  All students from Utica and Newton Elementary schools are eligible for service because of our “Schoolwide” status.  Title I teachers work with students either during reading time, intervention time, or writing time.  Students are not pulled out for Title I groups during their art, music, or physical education classes.

How do we serve students?  Students receive instruction in small groups based on their specific needs to help them become better readers and writers. These groups tend to change throughout the school year as students progress at their own pace. 

Who teaches Title I?  At North Fork Local, we have six highly-qualified teachers.  Newton Elementary teachers: Mrs. Shanna Justice, Mrs. Mary Schraer, and Ms. Ronda Stevens. Utica Elementary teachers:  Mrs. Cara Morrison, Miss Karen Shomaker, and Ms. Susan Wallace

How do we involve parents?  At North Fork Local Schools, we welcome parent involvement in our Title I programs.  If you would like to contribute to the development of our annual parent involvement policy, please contact Michele Gorius, Newton Elementary Principal, at 740-745-5982, or Brett Ballinger, Utica Elementary Principal, at 740-892-2551.

           Feel free to click on the links below to learn more about North Fork Local Title I:

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