

North Fork Local Schools is supported by a team of three highly motivated staff members. Contact information is provided to the right. 

North Fork Local Schools currently provides iPads on a 1:1 basis for grades 6-12. Grades K-3 have a handful of devices in each classroom to utilize for stations and more. Each elementary building also has three iPad carts that can be used for class use as well. 

It is the desire of this department to continue to improve and adapt. Through our three-year technology plan, we aim to move more devices into the elementary buildings, create collaborative spaces for students and staff, as well as improve our infrastructure to better serve the district. All of this will be made possible through our professional development and support from the community. 

In all of our efforts, we work to support the needs of students and staff. We hope to create a collaborative 21st century educational experience for all members of North Fork Local Schools. 

Please see the helpful links below for more information. 


Heidi Williams, CETL
Director of Technology

Kimberley Watson
Technology Staff/Student Services Coordinator

Jennifer Trost
Technology Support Coordinator
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